All Opportunities

Welcome to the Georgia State Scholarship Portal (GSSP)!

Ready to explore scholarship opportunities?

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Sign In: Use your campus login username and password to access the portal.

  2. Complete the General Application: This main application connects you with a wide range of scholarships across the university.

  3. Complete any supplemental applications related to scholarships within your major or college: Some scholarships may have specific applications or requirements beyond the General Application, so be sure to check for any that you qualify for and take the extra time to apply directly.

After you submit the General Application (and any extra ones), the system will automatically match you with scholarships that best fit your profile.

It’s that simple—apply once and increase your chances of being considered for multiple awards!

Here’s a complete list of scholarships offered by Georgia State University. Click on each scholarship name to view the eligibility criteria.
Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Al Baumstark Award in Chemistry
Purpose To provide scholarships for graduate students who are majoring...
Varies Al Baumstark Chemistry PH.D. Fellowship
Purpose The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support to a...
Varies Al Baumstark Undergraduate Research Award in Chemistry
Purpose To provide scholarship support to undergraduate junior or senior...
Varies Ambrose H. Pendergrast Fellowship
Purpose To support Ph.D. student(s) in the Department of Chemistry in...
Varies David W. Boykin Graduate Fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry
Purpose To provide support to a Ph.D. graduate student in chemistry who...
Varies Harry P. Hopkins, Jr. Fellowship in Physical Chemistry
Purpose The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support to...
Varies Orbun Troy Moore III Undergraduate Ethics Essay Contest Award
Purpose To provide annual support for the Department of Philosophy. This...
Varies Robert "Pete" Pullen Jr. Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry
Purpose To provide scholarship support to M.S. and/ or Ph.D. level...
Varies Daffodil Festival Scholarship
Purpose To provide an annual scholarship to a Perimeter College student...
Varies Allen and Eleanor Hollingsworth Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to entering or first-year students in...
Varies Anne M. Eaton Endowed Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to graduate students enrolled in the...
Varies Charles and Catherine B. Rice Scholarship
Purpose To provide an annual scholarship to an entering or first-year...
Varies Elizabeth A. Kenny Scholarship in Psychology
Purpose To provide scholarship funds for rising juniors or seniors...
Varies Gerontology Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Purpose To provide annual scholarship awards for either undergraduate or...
Varies Harold V. & Anna Marie Little Scholarship in Gerontology
Purpose To provide scholarships to students in the master´s program in...
Varies Henry T. Malone Scholarship in History
Purpose To provide scholarships to sophomores or juniors majoring in...
Varies Joseph O. and Louise P. Baylen Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to undergraduate students in good...
Varies Mary M. MacKinnon Endowed Scholarship in Gerontology
Purpose To provide scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students...
Varies Robert W. Sellen Scholarship In History
Purpose To provide scholarships to students in the Department of...
Varies The Carol Rowe and Waymon Jones Scholarship Endowment
Purpose To provide scholarships or fellowships to outstanding...
Varies The Dr. Steve and Lynne Wrigley Study Abroad Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students...
Varies The Georgia State History Department Excellence Fund
Purpose To provide scholarship support to an undergraduate student(s)...
Varies Ahmed T. Abdelal Fellowship in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Purpose To provide an award to outstanding doctoral students for...
Varies Atlanta Air Cargo Association/Marv Gordon Memorial Scholarsh
Purpose To provide scholarships to qualified students who are enrolled...
Varies Barbara Baumstark BioBus Fellowship
Purpose To provide scholarship support to undergraduate and graduate...
Varies Bradford and Patricia Ferrer CIBER Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to CIBER (Center for International...
Varies Carole Ann Golder Memorial Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarship support to undergraduate students at...
Varies Coca-Cola Global Ambassador Scholarship Program
Purpose To provide study abroad scholarships to first generation college...
Varies Dean's Graduate Research Grants
The purpose of the Fund is to create a micro-grant environment in the...
Varies Donald Ahearn Fellowship-Applied/Environmental Microbiology
Purpose To provide support for the Program in Applied and Environmental...
Varies Dr. Peter M. Pritchett Pre-Medical Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarship support to Georgia State University...
Varies H. Fenwick Huss Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment
Purpose To provide support to undergraduate students in the J. Mack...
Varies Jackie Boles Fellowship
Nomination Only Purpose To provide scholarships to graduate teaching...
Varies Kevin M. Brady Premedical/Prehealth Endowed Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarship support to undergraduate students who are...
Varies Lori Muse Study Abroad Scholarship
Purpose To provide study abroad scholarships to students enrolled in the...
Varies Marchia G. Williams Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
Purpose To provide financial support to student(s) in the College of...
Varies Margaret L. Andersen Scholarship Endowment in Sociology
Purpose To provide scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students...
Varies Mary Kathleen Berry Study Abroad Scholarship
Purpose To provide support to Georgia State University undergraduate and...
Varies Michael S. and Cynthia C. Shannon Scholarship
Purpose To provide support to students in good standing in the J. Mack...
Varies Neurobiology Fellowship
Purpose To provide an annual award for an outstanding graduate student...
Varies Nita Robinson Scholars Endowment Fund
Purpose To provide scholarships for students who are completing the...
Varies Premedical Science Study Abroad Scholarship
Purpose The scholarship is open to junior, senior or graduate level...
Varies Richard F. Tigner RCB Honors Study Abroad Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to students in the College of Business...
Varies Sidney E & Mary S Harris Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment
Purpose To provide study abroad scholarships for students who are in...
Varies Timothy Jon Bartness Memorial Fund
Purpose To support areas in Neurobiology and Metabolic Physiology and...
Varies William G. Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to students enrolled in the Biology...
Varies Alumni Association Graduate Student Scholarship
Purpose To provide awards to graduate level students who have been...
Varies Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to students who are the child or...
Varies Alumni Association License to Learn Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships to students at Georgia State...
Varies Alumni Association Scholarship for Children of GSU Faculty and Staff
Purpose To provide awards to students who are the child (son or...